
“Tell the priests who carry the Ark of the Covenant: ‘When you reach the edge of the Jordan’s waters, go and stand in the river.’” 
Joshua 3:8
These are all the instructions God gave to Joshua to lead His people across flood waters. There was Joshua, exactly where he believed God wanted him to be, yet he hit a wall. The easy road where they had been traveling was fully blocked by uncrossable waters. God didn’t provide a boat. God didn’t dry up the river before they reached it. God didn’t lead them to another, much smoother way. He told them to go, take a few steps forward, and trust that God Himself would intervene. They had the Ark of the Covenant, the symbol of God’s presence, but they did not necessarily feel His presence. They knew to go forward, but they had no idea what was going to happen. God does this, and He does it quite often. You know you’re in the right place. You’re following Jesus. You just know that where you are is where God wants you (and it probably is), yet you still hit a wall. You’re stopped. You’re blocked. You’re confused. It causes you to doubt going down that road that you were so sure God led you. You know God is with you, but you just don’t feel Him. This was Joshua. He knew God with Him, but that feeling just wasn’t there. The point to learn, however, is to trust, anyway. Trust in the meantime. Trust that no matter how rough the waters, no matter how confused you are, and no matter how much you don’t feel God-Trust that His presence is there, and trust that His power is coming. Move those first steps out. God will intervene for you. For Joshua, that meant that He would push back the waters, and provide a passage across. Even when you don’t feel God, He’s there. Even when you’re confused because you hit a wall, keep walking where God leads. He will intervene for you and, sometimes, help you reach exactly where you were going.


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