Be Still

“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14

Be still. As in, “stop trying to solve it yourself.” As in, “stop working at revenge.” As in, “Stop!” Your actions, your words will not better the situation. No matter how many times you think you have every right to hold a grudge or tell everyone that it was you who were the one wronged. Parading around that you're the victim, whether you are or not, is not the purpose of a believer in Christ. Whatever your tragedy, simply just stop right now. It’s not your fight. When someone hurts a child of God, it’s His battle. It’s not your place to hold onto bitterness. It’s not your place to hit back in anger and hurt. Justice is always in the so very capable hands of the Conquering Warrior that loves you. He sees the big picture, He's firmly in control, and He will fight your war. You need only to be still. For your Lord will fight for you. You need to trust. Wait. Refocus. Calm. Surrender. Just be still


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