Protected Seasons

“Now the LORD provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish for 3 days and 3 nights.” 
Jonah 1:17
The Lord was not punishing Jonah here, though his disobedience begged for it. The Lord was not shaking His head in disappointment, nor was He shouting, “I told you so!” No, that is not the loving Shepherd that we strive to serve and follow. God does allow consequences, but also recognize that God also provides consequences. Jonah was locked up, completely alone and seemingly deserted. All he did have was His never-forsaking Guardian and time. God wanted Jonah to focus on Him. God wanted Jonah’s exclusive attention. He provided a “pause” moment in time to personally work on Jonah’s heart. Though the fish was a traumatic happening-one Jonah probably never expected-it was a safe place. The Maker of the earth, the LORD provided a protected season to work on Jonah’s heart. God is so gracious to pull you to Him one on one to change your heart. Maybe it’s 3 days. Maybe it’s 3 months or so on. You’re safe, just you, your careful Father, and time. Be so open with your Father!


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