In His Hands

“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish but how far will they go among so many?” 
John 6:9
In the young child’s hands, this was insignificant and small. But that’s not whose hands it needs to be in. You’re human. You’re creation. You are made. You are so limited. Understand that this is not who you serve. That is who you are, but who you serve is far greater. God is the single Almighty LORD. He is Creator. He is first, above all. He is undeniably unlimited in power. We have such a restricted perspective. Our gifts are so underwhelming, and our problems are so overwhelming. But that’s all we can see from our human eyes. Just remember that God can ignite your “small” gift to make a difference. God will not sit you back down, saying you’re not good enough. We so often just ask, “Is this ok? Is this enough?” What is in you is God-given so it is so much more than enough. He will transform it because He Himself is more than enough. Just hand over the much needed lunchbox and watch God perform a miracle. Also remember that God can compress your “extreme” problem to give you rest. He, by definition, is the Deliverer. He is Savior. He heals you spiritually, physically, and emotionally-just by the sound of His voice. This is your Jesus! It’s not about the loaves and the fishes. It’s about realizing who is holding it all. Offer up your gifts and your hurts to your Maker. His hands are waiting to display a miracle in your life.


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