Persevere to the Promiser
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.
Hebrews 10:36
Purposely walking in Christ Jesus is not an easy, smooth journey. It’s most assuredly not for the impatient. He’ll lay a peace in your heart, He’ll lay a promise on your heart and in your life and that’s great! But when will the promise come to fruition? The meantime is the deepest, most vulnerable journey you will ever face. It’s so personal. In the waiting, a person learns insecurity. In the waiting, a person learns doubt. “Maybe that’s not what God meant.” “Maybe I misunderstood.” Or maybe your impatience has led you to doubt the existence of the promise. It’s led you to think that because it’s not happening, it will never come. The lesson here is stop making the promise about the promise. The promise was, is, and will always actually be about the Promiser. Yes, it may seem like you’ve been waiting so long. You truly may have been waiting for years, but remember, though He understands, God does not live in the confines of time and space. When He promised you, He already fulfilled it. It’s done. Stop falling into insecurity. Stop believing the doubts. Keep moving. Keep trusting. Persevere, because God is faithful!
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