Bold Prayers
“So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.”
Hebrews 4:16
Praying boldly is a practice not used often enough. We serve a God absolutely limitless. With just a touch of His hand, He gave sight to the blind. With just words from His mouth, He brought the dead to life. Sometimes, we believe all these things, but we believe them in the past tense. Yes, He did all of those things, but believe that He still does. He is not just a character in the Bible. He is not just the center of stories in church. He’s real. He’s powerful, and He’s listening. When we believe boldly, we ask boldly. When we ask boldly, we receive boldly. Match your prayers to your faith! Praying boldly means praying for things out of your own power. There’s no faith in asking for a circumstance that’s already projected. There’s no faith in asking for things that you can produce for yourself with a little work. Faith is believing in what’s beyond you. Faith is thinking, “Now that’s pushing it” at the end of your prayer. Now that’s faith that will excite God! That’s a boldness that will make your All-Powerful Creator proud! Pray with confidence. Pray with expectation, because only the Lord Almighty can deliver. He sees you where you are. Just walk right up to Him boldly, expecting His power to do only what He can do.
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