Where Awe Belongs
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”
1 Peter 5:7
Do not be impressed with your circumstances, because the enormity of your current storm does not impress God. He cares so intimately about what you’re facing. He hurts when you hurt, but never for a moment is our God nervous. Never is He scared that maybe this time, He won’t pull it out. He’s not intimidated. God is not seeing your situation as some adversary or opponent, because He is so much greater than anything that we could ever face. The victory is already won, because our Savior is Almighty! Nothing compares to His power. He can handle distant relationship. He can handle sickness. He can handle corrupt leaders, and He can reign over it all easily. God’s not losing! He is unlimited, and He is willing to take the heavy worry off your back. He is the Creator of the universe! So don’t hold onto that anxiety. Anxiety reveals a lack of faith and a lack of trust that God can handle what's happening. To be impressed with your situation and your storm is to take away your awe from Christ. It is impossible for these to coexist. Don’t glorify worry. Glorify your King. Don’t spend your time on your problem. Spend your time in processing with your Father. It’s truly amazing how uncomplicated life can be when you’re just in awe of Jesus. Be obsessed with His love for you!
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