First Place

“He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” 
Colossians 1:17

Jesus Christ must always be first. In your priorities. In your schedule. In your desires. In your planning. In your healing. He is the Son of the Living God. He is the firstborn of all creation. He inhabited the earth that He Himself saw formed. He healed the suffering. He reached out to the closed off. He died willingly. He resurrected miraculously. He is the unparalleled Reconciler. He broke the barricade. He cradled you and brought you to your Father’s arms when you were barred from Him. When this reigning Savior is given His rightful first place, you’re going to be ok. You’re going to make it through your meantime. He holds things together, your world, your situation, and your heart. He has you as first place. Now you must put Him first. When you do, He is the first person that you run to, first you trust, first you surrender to. He is the first to run to you, first to bless you, first to hold you tightly as you move forward. When Christ is first, you will most assuredly make it.


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