Workers Needed
“Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.’”
Matthew 9:37
Jesus’ heart broke with compassion. His beloved were lost, and there were hardly any workers. Sure, there’s always the “once a year” crowd. There’s the “If it’s convenient in my schedule” crowd. There’s the “If it’s within my own single ministry” kind of people. These people are not what is required. Jesus needed workers. Jesus needed entirely servant-minded volunteers. People with a “Yes” attitude, an “I’ll do it” attitude. People who don’t worry about their schedule, their ever-important agenda because God holds seniority. He trumps other plans, and He trumps free time. His work, no matter the capacity, is priority. Church is not the area to slack or sneak in. Church is the area to give your very best. Church is not the area to sacrifice. Church is the area to sacrifice for! Jesus needed workers and He most certainly still needs workers.
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