Who Told You?
“And He said, ‘Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?’”
Genesis 3:11
Adam and Eve were living each morning til night with their Maker, the glorious Creator of each and all things. Lush gardens. Perfect peace. Pure pleasures with each other. Constant fellowship with God, without one single hurt or worry. However, the exact moment they both stepped out of God’s plan, they felt panic. They felt shame. They felt disappointment. “Naked.” It was more than about not having clothes on. God made them beautiful and whole, yet, because they stepped away from God, they saw that perfection as deficient. They saw themselves as ugly and worth covering up. God’s glorious creation, away from Him, saw themselves as an embarrassment. God knew they chose to walk away from Him. Their self-view made it clear. We are God’s creation, hand-crafted. When we are focused on Him and walking with Him in our day-to-day life, then we know our priceless worth! “Who told you that you were deficient?” “Who told you that you were not worth fighting for?” Not your Creator. Spend your time with Him, and He will lovingly whisper His truths in your ear. Stay locked into Him, and you will know that you are treasured!
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