The Lost Is Now Found
“This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life.”
John 3:16
Realize your condition without the satisfying wholeness Christ Jesus brings into your broken and empty existence. You were utterly human, designed by such a masterful Maker but entirely clothed and covered with that human-ness. Adam, the first love of the Almighty God, was the original creation, carefully crafted and carved. He was perfect in every way and so beautiful for God to look upon. They conversed each morning and walked together through the captivating trails of Eden. God thoroughly enjoyed mankind, with ease and pleasure. However, the relationship shifted and a change erupted that broke the heart of the Creator-the earth shattering fall of man. Sin polluted the perfection of Eden and the ease God’s relationship with His most beloved and treasured creatures. Man’s first reaction forever changed from focusing on God to focusing on self, from glorifying God to glorifying self. Man’s nature was no longer of God but instead of self. Sin had taken over the once lovely bodies of God. That which is holy is to evil as light is to dark. The two cannot coexist. God is Most Holy and absolutely cannot coexist with sin. The once beautiful sight of His children was now an odious, abominable vision to His gaze. He couldn’t even look anymore. Sin is the most detrimental separation but God still loved. He never forgot man and He sought to forge a permanent path that would protrude and shatter the separation and save His creations from never knowing His love. He offered up His own personal flesh to fight for our souls and feel the concentrated pain of thousands of years of separation from God. The barrier’s broken. The sacrifice was victorious and now a relationship with our persevering Maker is possible! Celebrate it! Know Eden. Worship because you, child, were found and saved.
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