Healing Before The Cure
“Heal me, O LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.”
Jeremiah 17:14
He who trusts before the cure is he who is truly healed. The Lord Almighty sees the heart. He notices the body aches. Through these earthly pains, He examines the heart. What could He be looking for? Trust. Not necessarily satisfaction in your current circumstance. Not necessarily contentment. He simply asks for trust. He wants you to be entirely assured that He is most firmly in control. He wants you to remember that never for a second has your Beloved stopped paying attention to you. He wants you to have utter peace that the most powerful God of both Heaven and earth knows precisely what He’s doing, and He will work this for His glory. He asks not for satisfaction in your circumstance but He does ask for satisfaction in His use of His treasured vessel. He asks not contentment in your hurt but He does ask for contentment in His careful and capable Hands. God never abuses His power to allow or block Satan’s evils. Never does He play with sin’s consequences. He graciously plans for a purpose. He has a reason for your ailment and He will work toward that reason. We need only to trust. For it is so sweet to trust in Jesus, simply to rest upon His promise-just know this is a means for Your Creator to use you for His glory. You just need to trust before the relief. Only there is true healing.
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