Standing Against Temptation

"I told you that I am he," Jesus said. "So if you are looking for me, let the others go."
Luke 18:8

Why do we constantly try to face temptation? Do you seriously believe that we are a match for the enemy, coming after us with clubs and swords? Sometimes we do believe this. We get up and try to stand against it. It's our job to stand up against temptation, right? No, it's not. Who do we think we are that we can fight against sex, idolatry, and everything else? Who are we? Nothing but dust, redeemed only through Jesus Christ. It's is our job to step back and give our struggles to God. It's not our fight. It's God's. We can't put our trust in our ability to stand against bondage and pain and temptation. We must put our trust in God's protection, His strength. Sin stalks, hunts us, asking where we are. We do not say, "Here, I am! I can take you!" The key to our deliverance is stepping back and allowing Christ to stand in our place-as He always does. He steps up and says, "Here I am. Satan, I am He that you're looking for. Let these go. I will fight you Myself." He alone can fight sin. He alone can stand against temptation and the evil of the world because He's already overcome it. Trust Jesus more than you trust your self-control. Trust Jesus more than you trust your discipline.


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