Promise Fulfilled
“But God was fulfilling what all the prophets had foretold about the Messiah—that he must suffer these things.”
Acts 3:18
Christ Jesus is the fulfillment of every promise ever made to mankind. In the meantime, however, your promises seem dead. All those amazing promises that God has whispered into your ear-what happened to them? Realize now that it’s not about the promises. It’s about the Promiser. All promises are completed in the Savior. He is the beginning of God’s word. He is the middle, and He is the end result. It’s already done. It’s already achieved. It. Is. Finished. It’s Jesus. It’s always been Jesus, and always will be Jesus. He is the initiator. He is the finisher. He is the satisfaction. God keeps His promises through Jesus. He is the substance, always. How can we be disappointed when the core of our promises from God is Jesus Christ? How can we be let down when the center, the root, the intimate part of the promise that quenches, fills, and utterly satisfies is Jesus? It’s the one who willingly chose to come to earth, serve, and die an underserved murder-for you. It’s the one who rose to life and defeated the depths of hell-for you. In this meantime, in the meantime when your promise seems distant, remember what the promise truly is about.
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