To Be The Chosen

“Long before He laid down earth’s foundations, He had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of His love, to be made whole and holy by His love.” Ephesians 1:4-5

Predestination, here as Paul expresses it, is not referring to the vast world as a whole, lost and saved people alike. This mindset is confused often. Predestination believes that God chooses people. He chooses those He particularly wants and favors to be exposed to His grace and eternal life. Only these would get the opportunity to know Him and His intimate friendship personally. The others?  The belief sees the remaining mankind to be created by God with the simple, merciless purpose of being lost. They were specifically chosen to never be chosen. Please know that this twisted view of God is not at all the Loving Maker we serve. For God so loved the entire world that He gave a sacrifice that would allow every single person to have the choice of loving Him in return and claim the promise of eternal life. God made us with free will and He also made us with love. He fully knew as He shaped your hands, finely etching each individual fingerprint that those hands may never raise in praise to their Creator. He absolutely knew as He carefully knitted together the cells of your brain that it may never decide to surrender to the One who gave it the ability to even think. He knows and yet He made you anyway, sent His Son to be murdered anyway, rose Him to life 3 days later anyway, and haply thought out a plan full of purpose for your life-He knew you had free will and may never choose Him above the world and yet He did it all for you anyway because He loves you so much that He wants to always be a choice, always an option. Once you choose Christ, He accepts you, and you then are destined for His path. You are ever-lovingly adopted into His family. You were always His creation but now you are His child. Once you choose to walk through God’s chosen will for you-as is His will for every body He perfects to choose-then you are the chosen.


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